Why convincing those who are poisoned by propaganda is most likely useless

Почему переубеждать тех, кто отравлен пропагандой, скорее всего, бесполезно


  • Time Exposure – How much time people have been exposed to propaganda lies?
    Our brain is lazy – we do not like to think, it costs a lot of energy
  • Save time – create a picture of the world to be able to react quickly – world is made of chaotic and unrelated facts, picture gives a sense of control. When this picture is co-created from a propaganda that has been working for years, it is VERY strong and it is barely possible to make a dent into it.
  • Pointing out inherent contradiction – it will all fall apart
    No – it is not true.
    The picture of the world is more based on a variety of emotional factors.
    Covid – ppl do not take vaccins because not enough tested. Same ppl take dietary supplements of hydrochloride, which even caused deaths in people. The contradiction did not matter to them.
  • Picture is largely emotionally colored – if ppl feel attacked on this, the defenses are up and nothing will move, on the contrary, they will stop communicating
  • This is also true for investigative journalism, where the search for truth is colored with emotions
    Other people are more interested in “comfort” than “truth” – so there will be no way to match those
  • Fear of losing relationship – brings in a high power
  • great chance of alienation with different political views
  • love of authority – based on need to learn from others – active from childhood
    later – who do you see as an authority?
  • individual and social authority
    Follow the majority – clear need to fit in
    experiments with short and long sticks – ppl addapt to false reality, to what all others say.
    some do not adapt
    If not alternative views in the media are available, it gets harder to maintain your different, personal views
  • It is a problem if mass media only represent one perspective
    in the west yellow press often criticizes politics or even personal attacks on politicians
    different views are available
    in authoritarian states, not
  • status quo mechanism