A couple of facts to debunk the narrative of a civil war in Ukraine between Russian speakers and Ukrainian speakers.
Alexander Mozhaev

Ukraine Separatist Names To Know: Alexander Mozhaev
Time – Meet the Pro-Russian Separatists of Eastern Ukraine
Note that the seizure of buildings by “imported” para-militaries such as this cossack took place in the spring of 2014, months before the Russian propaganda came up with the fake about the Ukrainian army suppressing the Russian-speaking population of Donbas. Killed in action October 18, 2023
Guzenko posting a torture video of a Ukrainian soldier.
Economic and Intrastructure Situation
Situation with regard to water, rubbish collection, public transport in October 2023 – reporting from Russian State TV
Treating Ukrainians as Cannon Fodder
A supporter of the Russian Federation from Donetsk said it all