Russian Independent Media

Collected links to many independent media from Russia and in general the Eastern European region – most of these organizations from Russia chose to go into exile for safety reasons – some of them still continue to work inside Russia. Tough and dangerous!
Read this to get an idea: Russia’s Independent Regional Press Fights To Survive
Honoring killed Russian journalists by naming them

Since December 2023 a new law in Russia outlaws the use of private information in such a way, that investigative journalism is criminalized and can lead to multi-year prison sentences.

Article 207.3 of the Russian Criminal Code

Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code effectively criminalizes the act of criticizing or sharing information about the Russian armed forces and their violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

A survey of all Russian media is presented here, including for each an evaluation of their political leaning.

1420 – Street interviews with Russians today
This effort by a courageous Russian vlogger brings many voices from ordinary Russians into the world out there. Highly recommended, if you need to connect what is happening with some real people.

This must be the reason why most of the below are called foreign agents by the Russian authorities


Meduza, one of the leading independent Russian news sites, was founded in 2014 by Galina Timchenko after she was fired by for her coverage of Crimea. Timchenko was joined by about 60 other staff members from to create Meduza. The site has its headquarters in Riga, Latvia. In 2021 the Russian Ministry of Justice labelled Meduza a “foreign agent.”

The Insider

The Insider was founded in 2013 by the activist Roman Dobrokhotov. The publication is based in Riga, Latvia and it publishes stories in both Russian and English. It gained widespread recognition for Dobrokhotov’s 2019 investigative piece about the poisoning of two Russian citizens in Salisbury, England. In 2021 the Insider was labelled a “foreign agent” by the Russian Ministry of Justice.

Anna Nemzer – Total Recall

Novaya Gazeta

Famous independent Russian newspaper, recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and also shut down by the Russian authorities. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev used the money from his 1990 Nobel Peace Prize to help establish the Novaya Gazeta in 1993 and purchase its first computers. Seven Novaya Gazeta journalists, including Yuri Shchekochikhin, Anna Politkovskaya and Anastasia Baburova, have been murdered since 2000, in connection with their investigations.


One of the first non-government news stations in Russia, TV-2 was founded in 1990 and premiered its first television broadcast in 1991. Based in the Siberian city of Tomsk, the station gained a reputation both for its fearless journalism and high-quality content. In 2015, the station ceased broadcasting on television as its license was not renewed by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, due to TV-2 reporting facts from the Russian war on Ukraine that the authorities wanted to supress. Reformed as an Internet media outlet, TV-2 self-dissolved in 2022 to protect its co-workers from state prosecution. Again the creative heads found a new way to fight for freedom and justice for all in forming a YouTube channel, featuring an amazing and growing collection of personal interviews. Amazing!


Mediazona was founded in 2014 by Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikov, two members of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot. The publication focuses on issues related to the Russian criminal justice system, especially prison reform. In 2021 the publication was labelled a “foreign agent” by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site was blocked in Russia.

Now broadcasting from Vilnius, Lithuania: Russian casualties in Ukraine


Independent Russian media, focusing on corruption and violence inside the Russian police and justice system.


An independent news site that relies primarily on donations from readers. The publication has a strong focus on the arts and culture, but covers political affairs as well.

Ekho Moskvy

Ekho Moskvy was a popular 24/7 radio station based in Moscow. The station was founded in 1990 by Sergei Korzun. The station rose to fame in 1991 for being one of the few media outlets to condemn the August Coup. The station primarily covered politics and current affairs and featured interviews with high-profile Russian public figures and intellectuals. The editor-in-chief was Aleksei Venediktov. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Ekho Moskvy was liquidated and ordered to delete any presence online, including its website.

Takie Dela

A news site sponsored by the charity organization “Nuzhna pomoshch'” (Help is needed). The site has a strong focus on human rights and social problems.

Boundary «Черта»

“Boundary” is an independent media project which focuses on stories shedding light on the violence and inequality pervasive in contemporary Russian society. Many of the publication’s journalists previously collaborated on the media project, “Utopia,” which stopped operating in 2021. Many of the articles from “Utopia” are now preserved on the new site for “Boundary.”


The YouTube channel of the journalist Aleksei Pivovarov. The channel features investigative stories by Pivovarov. Pivovarov is also the current editor-in-chief of the news publication RTVi which provides news in Russian for the Russian-speaking diaspora, primarily in the US and Israel.

Aleksei Navalny

The official YouTube channels of the prominent dissident figure Aleksei Navalnyi. Navalnyi produces videos that investigate and expose the corruption of Russian politicians and bureaucrats. His videos Chaika and On vam ne dimon went viral, the latter focusing on the former president Dmitrii Medvedev’s history of embezzling funds. Navalyni is especially critical of President Vladimir Putin. Opposition politicians Liubov Sobol and Vladimir Milov also…

Date: 2013

The Village

A news site geared towards urbanites living in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The news site mainly covers stories of local interest related to those two cities, including food, culture and business. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site was blocked in Russia.


Sphere Foundation is a human rights organization. We bring systemic changes to the daily realities of the Russian LGBT+ community.


Holod is a Russian online medium founded in 2019 by journalist Taisiya Bekbulatova. Opinion pieces, reports, podcasts and videos on current social and political issues appear on Holod. Recommendation.


Grani was founded in 2000 as an independent news site with a focus on human rights. In 2014 the site was banned in Russia for encouraging participation in unauthorized protests. The site continued its activity under a new URL and it remains an important critical voice. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2012

A news site founded by the famous chess champion and activist Garry Kasparov. The site focuses on political events, corruption and street protests. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Contributor: K – Kasparov, G – Garri Kimovich)

Date: 2012


An independent news site founded in 2012. The publication is based in Ekaterinburg, Russia. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site ceased operations. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2012

Batenka, da vy transformer

Batenka, da vy transformer (“My friend, yes, you are a transformer”) is a self-proclaimed samizdat (“self-published”) internet news publication founded in 2014 by Egor Mostovshchikov and Anton Iarosh. The site has its own manifesto where it claims that “the world has already ended, but nobody has noticed.” It aims for strict objectivity and seeks to provide readers the information they need to form their…

Date: 2015


OVD-Info is an independent media project dedicated to spreading information about political repression. The project supports a hotline where people can report their own personal experiences with corruption and persecution. The site also offers free legal council. In 2021 the project was labelled a “foreign agent” by the Russia Ministry of Justice.

Moloko plus

Moloko plus, a reference to the fictional cocktail in Anthony Burgess’ novel A Clockwork Orange, was founded in 2015 by Pasha Nikulin as a self-published almanac about violence in all its forms in society. The publication considers no topic taboo and strives for objectivity. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

“7×7” Gorizontal’naia Rossiia

“7X7” Gorizontal’naia Rossiia (Horizontal Russia) was founded in 2010 in Syktyvkare, Komi, a republic in the Russian Federation. The site intends to cover news stories of regional interest in contrast to the dominant coverage of Moscow in the mainstream media. The project has expanded to include other regions in Russia. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site was blocked in Russia….

Date: 2020

Фонд «Медиастандарт» – Mediastandart Foundation, Russia

This is the site of the non-profit Mediastandart Foundation. According to its website, the activities of the organization “are aimed at supporting quality journalism and the media in Russia. It is designed to increase the credibility and attractiveness of the profession, to contribute to the formation of positive public opinion about journalistic activities.” Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020


An independent news journal based in Riga, Latvia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2018

Proekt Media

An independent news site founded by the journalist Roman Badanin in 2018. The site was well-known for its scathing exposes of corruption amongst Russia’s elite class, frequently targeting President Vladimir Putin himself. In 2021 the Russian Ministry of Justice labelled Proekt an “unwanted organization,” which prompted the site to temporarily shut down and for many of its journalists, including Roman Badanin, to flee the…

Date: 2018

MBKH Media

MBKH Media was founded in 2017 by the prominent dissident figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky. MBKH Media supported two large-scale projects on social media: Yoshkin Krot and Otkrytyi Mir (‘Open world’). In 2021 MBKH Media shut down operations due to being blocked by Roskomnadzor, Russia’s federal agency monitoring mass media. Roskomnadzor claimed MBKH Media was disseminating information on behalf of Open Russia, a civic group which…

Contributor: Khodorkovskiĭ, Mikhail

Date: 2017

Mezhdu strok

An independent news site established in 2013. The site is based in Nizhnii Tagil, a city north of Ekaterinburg. Although mainly covering news of local interest, the site produces articles on national and international events as well. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020


Zvezda is an independent news journal established in 2014. It is based in the city of Perm. Its main focus is to disseminate local news and support the local community. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site was blocked in Russia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Chetvertyi sektor

An independent news organization which described itself as a “non-profit freelance team of journalists.” The site was based in the city of Perm. Journalists associated with the organization had published material with other independent news sites such as Mediazona and Meduza. The site shut down in 2021 in anticipation of being labelled a “foreign agent” by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Website. electronic |…

Date: 2020

Ilya Varlamov

Ilya Varlamav is a journalist and photographer. Since 2006, Varlamav has maintained a popular blog analyzing current events and politics. Varlamav also produces a video blog on YouTube. Having a background in architecture, Varlamav frequently supports initiatives related to urban development and preservation. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2012

Фонд Защиты Гласности. Glasnost Defense Foundation, Russia

This is the site of the non-profit Glasnost Defense Foundation which believes in free speech and defending journalism in Russia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2002

Институт развития прессы-Сибирь. Institute for Press Development-Siberia, Russia

This is the site of the non-profit Institute for Press Development-Siberia in Russia which works in the field of media education. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Центр защиты прав СМИ. Center for the Protection of the Rights of Media, Russia

This is the site of the non-profit Center for the Protection of the Rights of Media which works to protect freedom of speech and journalism in Russia. One of its activities is the legal aid to independent photographers, bloggers, and journalists. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Leonid Volkov

Leonid Volkov is a politician who served from 2009 to 2013 in the City Duma of Ekaterinburg. In 2018, Volkov managed the presidential campaign of opposition figure Aleksei Navalnyi. Volkov maintains a blog where he discusses politics and current events. He also has a related video channel on YouTube. Like Navalnyi, Volkov is a prominent critic of the Putin administration. Website. electronic | Electronic…

Contributor: Volkov, Leonid – Navalʹnyĭ, Alekse

Date: 2016

Otkrytye Media

Otkrytye Media (‘Open media’) represented the merger in 2017 of four online news projects which were active on social media. The goal of the projects was to summarize the most important news stories of the moment. The project was funded by the prominent dissident figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky and was based in Estonia. In 2021 the site shut down after being blocked by Roskomnadzor, Russia’s…

Contributor: Khodorkovskiĭ, Mikhail

Date: 2018


Dosh, meaning ‘word’ in Chechen, is the first independent news journal from the Caucasus. The journal was founded in 2003. Publications of the journal have been banned and censored in several republics of the Caucasus, causing the journal to move its headquarters from Grozny, Chechnya to Moscow. In 2014, one of its journalists, Timur Kuashev, was found dead in a forest, with many believing…

Date: 2019


Anna Zueva is a journalist from the city Ulan-Ude. After resigning from a local news station due to the its coverage of a protest, Zueva created her own YouTube channel to produce investigative news stories. Zueva aims to cover news about corruption, political repression and social problems, often related to the republic of Buryatia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020


IUgopolis is an independent portal that focuses on news related to Russia’s Krasnodar region. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2012

The Bell

Taking its name from the influential 19th-century emigre newspaper published by Alexander Herzen, the Bell was established in 2016 by the journalist Elizaveta Osetinskaia during an internship at Stanford. The Bell has a heavy focus on business and economics, offering short daily email updates to keep professionals informed on the most important news developments of the moment. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2017


This is the site of the non-profit RosKomSvoboda which promotes freedom of information and is active in the struggle against censorship. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2018


Redkollegiia is an independent association of journalists established in 2016. The association awards a monthly prize to news articles which represent the highest standards of the profession. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Союз журналистов Москвы. Moscow Union of Journalists, Russia

This is the site of the Moscow Union of Journalists in Russia. Founded in 1990, the Union is a non-profit organization whose members work in Moscow and include people and groups involved in various media such as radio, television, newspapers, and teaching of journalism. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Vazhnye istorii – Important Stories

An independent Russian media organization producing investigative stories that often tackle difficult and controversial subjects. The site also offers training and resources for journalists in such skills as computer programming and data analysis. In 2021 the site was labelled as a “foreign agent” by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site was designated an “undesirable organization.” Currently based in exile in Prague.

Союз журналистов Подмосковья. Union of Journalists for the Moscow Region, Russia

This is the site of the Union of Journalists for the Moscow Region in Russia. The Union is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of journalists from all media and promotes their professional development. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Союз Журналистов Краснодарского края. Union of Journalists in the Krasnodar Krai, Russia

This is the site of the non-profit Union of Journalists in the Krasnodar Krai in Russia. The Union represents the interests of journalists from all media who work in the Krasnodar region. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Союз журналистов России. Union of Russian Journalists

This is the site of the non-profit Union of Russian Journalists, the largest and national-level union for journalists from all media. The Union defends the interest of journalists and endeavors to promote freedom of the press and professional education for journalists. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2002

Союз журналистов Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области. Union of Journalists from St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, Russia

This is the site of the non-profit Union of Journalists from St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast in Russia. The Union represents the interest of journalists from all media who work in St. Petersburg and the surrounding Leningrad Oblast. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Профсоюз журналистов и работников СМИ. Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union, Russia

This is the site of the Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union in Russia. Founded in 2016, this organization defends the interests of journalists working in various forms of media. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Фонд поддержки российских СМИ «Среда». SREDA Foundation, Russia

This is the site of the Sreda Foundation in Russia, which promotes freedom of the press and other media. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020


Akhilla, named after a deacon in one of Nikolai Leskov’s short stories, is an independent project dedicated to creating an open forum for discussing the Russian Orthodox Church. Founded by an ex-priest of the faith, the project aims to provide a balanced and nuanced view of the church, neither directly supporting nor criticizing it. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020

Pskovskaya Guberniya

Pskovskaya Guberniya was founded in 2000 by former staff members of the newspaper Novosti Pskova. The staff members quit Novosti Pskova after the head editor was fired under orders from the city’s mayor. Pskovskaya Guberniya is an independent newspaper covering regional and national events, with a focus on corruption and injustice. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the website was blocked in Russia.

An independent news site focusing on the Siberian region of Russia. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 the site was blocked in Russia. Foreign agent status.


Nabat, meaning alarm bell, is an independent news site covering events in the Jewish Autonomous District, a region located in the Russian Far East. The site was founded in 2017 by Vladimir Sakharovskii, a member of the local Duma. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2020


Altapress is a large publishing house based in the city Barnaul. It supports a news site focusing on the current events of the region. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2013

Kavkazskii Uzel

Kavkazskii Uzel, meaning Caucasian knot, was established in 2001 by the human rights organization Memorial. The publication reports on current events in the Caucasus with a focus on human rights and social justice. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2009


An independent news site mainly covering events in Ufa, the capital city of the republic of Bashkortostan in Russia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2018


Taking its name from the Ancient Greek term for “common belief or opinion,” DOXA is an independent student journal which discusses the pressing issues facing higher education in Russia, often from a critical standpoint. Its editorial body is composed of Russian students from various universities within Russia and abroad, with no one person acting as the “main editor.” On April 14th, 2021, four of…

Date: 2021


Based in the city of Krasnoyarsk, TVK is one of the few remaining independent regional news stations in Russia. The station was founded in 1994. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2012

Liudi Baikala

Liudi Baikala (‘The People of Baikal’) is an independent online news journal founded in February 2020. The journal spotlights the people and stories from far-flung areas in Siberia, a part of the country often ignored by Russian mainstream media. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2021


Bumaga (‘Paper’) was founded in 2012 by a group of graduates from St. Petersburg State University. The journal mainly focuses on local news about St. Petersburg, but also covers stories of national interest. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2017


Agentstvo was created in 2022 by the journalist Roman Badunin in response to the shutdown of Badunin’s other online investigative project, Proekt. Agentstvo initially continued Proekt’s mission of producing scathing exposes of Russian internal corruption. When Proekt was resurrected in April 2022, Agentstvo switched its focus to providing daily news updates. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2022

Vot Tak TV (What is it? So?) — is a project invented and implemented by journalists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries in the region who want to do high-quality media, inform the reader, explain complex processes in a simple language.

Date: 2021


Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2022

“Attorney Street” «Адвокатская улица»

“Attorney Street” is an independent media project funded and established by a group of Russian lawyers. The goal of “Attorney Street” is to provide a forum to research and discuss the pressing issues facing attorneys working in contemporary Russia. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2022

Svobodnye novosti

An independent news site based in the city of Saratov. The site focuses on local news of the region. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Date: 2021