Relating to Truth

Vlad gives an insight of his, spiced with jackals.

VLAD REACTS: Trump on Navalny
  • Liar politicians deceive their citizens
  • PTPP enter a co-conspiracy with citizens in which both parties agree that truth doesn’t matter (or doesn’t matter much)

A social dynamic of liberation through the denial of truth

The truth puts me in chains.
Engaging in a co-conspiracy in which I throw it off liberates me.
It’s a social phenomon of our age.

Liar politicians misrepresent the difference between particular truths and particulars lies
Post-truth populist politicians misrepresent the difference between truth and lies in general, undermine the difference between truth and lies in general.

Something wrong with the internal coherence of statements that some of our politicans make.

The citizenry enter into a co-conspiracy with some of our politicans to deny the stability of the difference between truth and lies – which wasn’t denied 10 years ago.

The point is that the internal coherence of statements begins to swim.


The connectedness between statements is breaking down.
This goes together with a bad algorithmification of thought.

Example for problems with connectedness

Many examples we know from Russian propaganda.
For example with Navalny – NATO did it, the US did it, father Christmas did it. Saturn did it, but its rings are innocent. Just a mass of suggestions to pollute the information environment. Intending to generate confusion and apathy. Example from Europe is Boris Johnson. Messaging about masks. Do it, say our regulations. But I don’t like it. Do we do it, or do we not do it? Our regulations say, but I don’t do it. With Johnson this is manipulative, with Trump it is a little bit more organic – because Trump has very few beliefs, he has disposional state. He has shifting dispositional states that float about.

Example of statements not being connected

Putting two things aside each other, pretending they fit together, when they don’t.
The moon is big tonight. Susan and Harry are being very unfair to me.
The length of that jump. And the degree to which that jump is algorithmic.
There could be some trigger word that lead me to that other branch.
Somebody has a positive sentiment about Navalny.
Therefore you are a Russian imperialist.
Mention of Navalny –> mention of Russian imperialist

Trump quote

The sudden death of Navalny has made me more aware of what is happening in our country.
It is a slow steady progression with crooked radical left politicians, prosecutors, judges leading us down a path of destruction.