Human Rights Center Memorial

This site was illegally liquidated shortly after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. You will find many important issues being addressed here, in the service of a better world for all. Site in RussianSite in English

Liquidation of the NGO Memorial – Victory of the Official History

About the liquidation of this institution in Russia – a very sad and touching couple of lines from members of the Memorial HRG:

“Today, April 5, 2022, the Memorial Human Rights Center will be liquidated. There is no doubt about this, since the institution of justice itself has been destroyed in Russia. The courts have been turned into an instrument of reprisal against people and public associations objectionable to the authorities at various levels.

HRC “Memorial” was created as a non-governmental public organization and began to work in the years when our country was parting with a totalitarian past. We, like many others, thought that what was happening was irreversible. We believed that there could be no return to political repression, to the destruction of freedom of speech, meetings, associations, to the complete lack of rights of a person in front of officials, employees of “law enforcement” agencies and special services. We hoped that Russia was moving towards freedom, that this road – long and difficult – was leading forward, towards democracy, towards the rule of law, towards respect for human rights. 

We were wrong. It turned out that a return to the totalitarian past is possible, it is happening now, before the eyes of the whole world. Russia has again shown humanity a “special path” that should not be followed.

This is also our fault: knowing that the struggle for freedom is not over, that defending one’s own and common rights is everyday work, the business of everyone who cares about the future of Russia, we could not convince Russian society of this. Nor were we able to convince our compatriots that our country should be free and modern, that it is not worth repeating the past in search of a glorious future, turning Russia into a backwater reserve of “conservative bonds”. As a result, the country that believed the promises of “greatness” was brought to its knees.

But against all odds, we are confident that the human rights movement will not be crushed. After all, the Russian liberation movement is hundreds of years old and will continue despite any obstacles. Sooner or later Russia will be free.” — Statement by members of the Council of the Human Rights Center “Memorial”

Here is the original Russian text.

The case of the blogger Kamensky Sergey Valerievich.
Russian version.

Kemerovo bloggers and activists Maksim Lavrentiev and Sergei Kamensky are political prisoners.

A German site – Gefangen in Russland – featuring hundreds of political prisoners with short bios – machine translated into English.