These are clips showing the deep need for repair or even appearance of basic infrastructure needed for civilized life
- Working heating in houses
- Toilet facilities
- Non-Repaired canalization in houses
- No water or no hot water
- Streets in terrible condition
- Rubbish in the public space
Water and Heating do not work …
Хочу спросить почему мерзнем мы а не Америка?! НЕУДОБНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ НА ПРЯМУЮ ЛИНИЮ
- Omsk – 20 stories high buildings with dysfunctional heating
- Miller publishes record income for Gazprom – in the back critical news about the svo
- handicapped soldier in the tram, asking for financial support
- In Samara a woman stole paper and bought an appartment for it
- Wishes for 2024 – mercy
- Kyrill – we are so happy to live in a free country
- Odessa – multi water outlet
- million rubles contest for patriotic song
- collecting warm socks for the second army in the world …
- homecoming of a “liberator”
- russian biathlon athlete arrive in Ufa – bathrooms are in terrible shape
- sausage is “krainskaja” and not “ukrainskaja”
- close to samara – blocking road in protest of electricity not working
- Citizens address Putin as only hope – they have no clean water – for years!
They will still vote for Putin – you are our only hope
Я 60 лет проработала на заводе... ПУТИН, ГДЕ ОТОПЛЕНИЕ В БАТАРЕЯХ И ГОРЯЧАЯ ВОДА?!
Над продажными артистами и певцами смеется вся страна... СКОЛЬКО ВОВА ТЕБЕ ЗАПЛАТИЛ?!
- Singer voicing his strong support for Putin – the best president we had in the last 100 years …
- People standing in line to buy eggs for 78 roubles in Belgorod …
- Another actor speaks his support for Putin in a car …
- People from village Kalino arrived at the aeroport of Abakan to warm up … they show the frozen staircase of their house – “Class!”
- Gazprom song “Winter will be huge …!
- A female artist in folk dressing says: “With Putin they will live and die.”
- Janna Poplavska is also happy about Putin’s decision to run again for P
- City Derbent decorated an entire street with posters of fallen Russian heroes
- Major of Derbent speaks to this act as a thank you for the feats of those soldiers …
- Video footage of Russian soldiers looting a Ukrainian home and wondering where they have gotten so much money from
- People from Tomsk complain they have only one doctor and ambulance cars are wrotten#
- Head of Yacutia gives two bottles of vodka to people, so they vote for him
- City of Novokcheboksarsk with a kid’s hospital in terrible condition

- Staged scene with Putin being asked to run for president again by a so-called hero of Donbas
- Person in a bus looking like Putin
- Russian Soldiers mock Gazprom humanitarian aid – boots with wrong size for two feet, etc …
- Rubbish overflowing in Moskow – 50 metre from Kreml
- State stealing a christmas tree from a private citizen in Russia
- In USA giving a Pixel smartphone for free to students at a school there
Ржака. №196. Обманутый россиянин. Два таджика пятого поколения, просрочка с помойки, совесть за торт
- Putin 1992 led St. Petersburg to peace, in 2023 he led the whole of Russia to peace
- A pardoned prisoner-fighter leads a small girl into an appartment in Solleka city
- Old ladies stages a Soviet-times pioneer group and preparing for a camp
- One day war in Ukraine costs three new hospitals in Russia
- Salt and sand distribution nano-technology style in Moscow – abuse of cheap Tajik workers
- Gordon shop (mocking Putin and his fan-article world)
- Bus covered in snow, full of patiently sitting people (Norilsk)
- Soldier from Krasnojarsk – went accidentally to enregistration, was drunk … oops!
- Russian soldiers looting, one says: “They are far away, leave them at least the toilet.”
- Pensioners in Vladivostok buy bread that is over the date …
- Conditions for pensioners in the USA – tennis courts etc … swimming pool for all ..
Шваброй ее хорошенько натрите... ЗАВТРА ОПЯТЬ БУДУ ЗАПАД ПУГАТЬ
- Display of bombs, Russian unable to have nails or screwdrivers
- Guy in Leningrad buying weapons, doesn’t pay for stuff
- Lady from DNR – looking like ready for Halloween, lips pumped up etc.
- washing machine placed high in a house instead of window – so that all would envy me
- No heating in Omsk – lady sitting in appartment – remote and a cover for the cold
- Putin’s death – Yandex searches up by 3000 percent
- Woman saying that Azov sea was dirty and dangerous up to 2013 in Mariupol, guy saying – now it is clean
- Pensioner woman trying to find food in rubbish for herself and cat – in Kazan
- People buying Iphone – getting a case with earth in it
- Belgorod street worker – constructed a tool from nothing to sweep the street
- Altai street in terrible state – touristic highly frequented area – person complaining about the street
- Another city – rubbish piling up – person telling how terrible it all is – situation in Saratov
- Contrast with New Jersey, USA