
I want to name and make space for people who fight for freedom with deep courage.

There is the fight with weapons and arms, but there is also the fight for truth and freedom of speech.

Russian authorities decided to invade Ukraine in February 2022 and simultaneously passed laws restraining the freedom of speech – the body of laws are sometimes called “Military censorship laws” or “Fakes laws”. The critical media had to leave Russian territory or stop saying the truth. Many invididual people continued telling the truth and many face dire consequences.

Russian authorities control the media space and create an alternative reality where the change the meaning of words into their opposite. An attack becomes a defense, enslavement becomes liberation, and so on. At the same time the press operates under the constraints of military censorship. Read more about military censorship in Russia.

Dmitry Muratov recently gave a speech in Bonn about the situation in Russia. Many people in Russia display extraordinary courage and their stories will become the stuff for future movies about heroic resistance and creativity. I have also created pages in honor of many of these people, in order to encourage ourselves and to remember – in times of hardship we are invited to find our courage and faith in humanity inside ourselves and try to do our best.

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