Andriy Smolenskyi and Alina Smolenska

Commander of the air reconnaissance unit “God’s Cause”, part of the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade “Magura”

In May, Andriy was seriously wounded in the direction of Zaporozhye. He lost his sight and both hands. But it’s a miracle, according to doctors, because most people do not survive after such grenade hits. He has already undergone one and a half dozen operations and this is not the end. And such complex injuries – amputation of hands and loss of vision – are extremely rare.

His wife Alina Smolenska wrote a post on social networks about Andrei’s success in treatment, and it quickly went viral.

It was possible to raise money for Andrii’s rehabilitation, but it is not yet clear where exactly and how to undergo rehabilitation – how to put prosthetic hands if he cannot see what to take or how a blind person can learn to navigate in space without hands?

But despite this, the couple believes that everything was not in vain – Andriy created an air reconnaissance unit, which continues to perform combat missions even after the wounding of their commander. And even in this state, Andriy wants to help the boys and collects money for his unit

Banks for Andriy division:
🔗Link to the bank
💳 Bank card number
5375 4112 0819 9674

I feel very touched by both Andriy and Alina when they share about what happened and how they met the difficulties they faced with compassion and care. This is their story:

"З такими пораненнями ми ще нікого не зустрічали"- командир підрозділу аеророзвідки, 47 ОМБр