Alla Gutnikova

Alla Gutnikova – DOXA editor

When Alla studied in Moscow she was an editor of the DOXA student magazine. She spoke out for free speech and encouraged people to stand up for their political position publicly, to use their rights as citizens according to the constitution.

When Alexej Navalny returned to Russia after his recovery in early 2021 and was immediately arrested upon his return, stripping him of his citzens rights for fair legal process, the magazine DOXA called for peaceful protests.

In turn the authorities of the police state arrested the four editors of the student magazine DOXA, among them Alla Gutnikova. At the time she was supposed to be defending her thesis on Walter Benjamin.

Last Words …

Alla Gutnikova in court

During the criminal trial which took place in April 2022, Alla made a political final statement, a stirring and beautiful speech on her court hearing on April 8th 2021. Rich in references and quotations, this text is a reminder of the progressive and international outlook of many young Russians: The Last Word.

Alla’s words present a voice to hope and enlightenment, in this darkest of times.


Alla moved to Berlin, Germany in 2022