Adam Kadyrov

Chechnyan war criminal Roman Kadyrov declares his 15-year old son Adam to be a hero for going into a prison and beating up a defenseless prisoner. He postes this violent video with the following words:

I don’t like understatement. It is always better to put the final point – truthful and honest.

The Internet is still arguing about the fact that Adam Kadyrov beat the Holy Quran burner Nikita Zhuravel, an accomplice of the Ukrainian special services. Was it or wasn’t it?

He beat and did the right thing. Moreover, I believe that anyone who encroaches on any Holy Scripture, including ostentatiously burning it, thereby offending tens of millions of citizens of our great country, must suffer severe punishment.

Our country has a unique law protecting the Holy Scriptures, signed by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The religious values of the country’s citizens are protected by the state at the highest level. And this cannot be taken away by provocateurs!

Low acts of encroachment on the sacred are characteristic only of cynical, immoral, spineless and corrupt people who want to bring discord into society, which our state raises in the ideals of tolerance, tolerance and love for each other. These scum do not understand the language of persuasion, they do not want to build a state or develop it. They don’t want everyone in Russia to live side by side in peace and understanding. Such provocateurs and traitors are a sick tumor on the body that needs to be cauterized.

Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s action. He was always distinguished by the desire to grow not among his peers, but among older ones, thanks to which he formed adult ideals of honor, dignity and defense of his religion. I respect his choice.


Human rights advocate Eva Merkacheva demands action from Russia’s justice system

After the Chechen Governor Ramzan Kadyrov posted a video of his 15-year-old son Adam brutally assaulting a defenseless detainee, the human rights advocate Eva Merkacheva announced that she will demand an appropriate response to the incident from the Russian authorities.

Merkacheva describes the situation documented in Kadyrov’s footage as a “challenge to the entirety of Russia’s legal system.” The person being beaten in the video by Kadyrov’s teenage son is Nikita Zhuravel, a Volgograd resident currently awaiting trial in Chechnya for burning a Quran in front of a Volgograd mosque.

Merkacheva, a member of Russia’s Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, plans to file a query with the Russian law enforcement in connection with the incident.

In his post, Kadyrov praised his son and said he was proud of him. Merkacheva, on the other hand, believes that the footage amounts to clear-cut “evidence of a crime.” “No one is disputing this fact,” she said, adding that prosecutors must take urgent measures, since the Chechen authorities are brandishing their ability to “commit crimes with impunity.”

“I’m concerned that the next piece of news we hear might be that Nikita Zhuravel has been found dead in his cell,” the advocate remarked, insisting that Zhuravel should be removed from Chechnya.

Nikita Zhuravel was arrested in May 2023. The prosecution claims that he burned a Quran in return for payment from the Ukrainian secret services. The alleged desecration took place in front of a mosque in Volgograd. Later, Zhuravel reportedly forwarded a video of his actions to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

After his arrest, Zhuravel was sent to a Chechen jail. The Russian authorities explained that this was because numerous Chechen Muslims had asked to be considered the victims of Zhuravel’s alleged crime.

In mid-August, Zhuravel said that the governor’s son had beaten him in jail. The Chechen authorities did not deny this.

What happened since then?


  • Hero of Chechyan
  • Order of Friendship – for contributing to interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony
  • Order of Merit – for promoting development of interethnic and interregional unity and strengthening of traditional Islamic values
  • No prosecution of the violent public abuse of a prisoner