Vladimir Solovyov

Most popular face of Russian propaganda – sometimes he is seen whole days on Russian State TV. Mostly remarkable for his uncontrolled display of anger. (Wikipedia)

As a so-called Russian patriot doubts have arisen as to his honesty in this regard. Since like many in the Russian elite, he has ties into the West on multiple levels.

Three times married, he onced lived in the USA and he and his family hold Italian passports. His villa in Northern Italy has been discovered by team Navalny – later he was sanctioned and his villa became the target of vandals.

The list of his public very loud propaganda allegations is long and impressive: see an excerpt here. Solovyov has been criticized for his methods of work, which include the use of hate speech, hysteria, shouting, getting personal, direct insults, and humiliation.

Here he compares German chancelor Scholz with Hitler and proposes to destroy the port city of Odessa:

Top Russian propagandist argues that Odesa must be destroyed

A Peaceful Solvoyov Existed in 2008

His views can change.

In 2008 he suggests Russia needs to give other nations a good reason to work together with Russia, good reasons to be friendly with each other – which sounds to me like a healthy and respectful way of relating to other nations.

And he says that calling for a war or leading a war against Ukraine would be a crime.

Today Solovyov supports the war against Ukraine, and on occasion calls for starting a war against other European nations. In 2008 the man was advocating peaceful and respectful coexistence.

War Against Ukraine would be a Crime - Solovyov 2008