Conscience, Nobility and Dignity

Bulat Okudzhava – Russian chansonier – walked along the path of freedom and peace in the late Soviet Union, sharing this poem and song with his audience in 1988.

Holy Army of Conscience, Nobility and Dignity
Conscience, nobility and dignity
May these be our sacred army.
Let’s reach out, commit to them
fearless even in the midst of fire

To such face, noble and beautiful
let us connect our life in its brevity:
Maybe we won’t be victorious,
But at least we’ll die as humans!
Совесть, благородство и достоинство –
Вот оно, святое наше воинство.
Протяни ему свою ладонь.
За него не страшно и в огонь.

Лик его высок и удивителен.
Посвяти ему свой кроткий век:
Может, и не станешь победителем,
Но зато умрешь, как человек!

Commemoration Stamp 1999