Destroyed Villages in Donbas

Pro-Russian blogger Maksim Kalaschnikov visits a village in the Russian-controlled area of Ukraine, a bit south of Severo-Donezk. Formerly inhabited by 4000 people now only 170 people remain.

A report from one year after the “liberation”.

A Must-see for all Russians ignorant of the realities on the ground. This a pro-Russian voice, not the media of Ukraine or the West. The truth is out there, but you can always chose to ignore it.

"Что мы наделали, тут же разрушено все!" Российский блогер приехал в Донбасс и ужаснулся

One video viewer comments:

Жили люди мирно, класно, свободно. Никто никого не ущемлял, не обижал. Создовали семьи, рожали детей, садик, школа, море летом в отпуск. Строились стадионы, аеропорты, кварталы, супермаркеты. Летали по заграницам, покупали машини,- просто жили. Теперь сотни тисяч обитых, сотни городов уничтожены, дети сироты, розруха и никакого будущего, – знакомтесь с ” русским миром”.

Translation: People lived peacefully, classy, freely. No one hurt, no one offended. They created families, gave birth to children, had a kindergarten, a school, saw the sea in the summer on vacation. Stadiums, airports, quarters, supermarkets were built. They flew abroad, bought cars, just lived. Now hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, hundreds of cities have been destroyed, resulting in orphans, devastation and a deep sense of no future – Get to know the “Russian world”.