Noticing Russian Imperialism

The test for imperialism can be extremely short and simple:

Born and raised in Russia?
This means that he was infected to one degree or another by the empire.

Realized this?
Then there is a chance for recovery.

Didn’t realize?
So there is no chance.

OM TV has created a video on the basis of the article written by Igor Eidman, in which he reflect on how deep the programing of Russian imperialism reaches and it what way it has been effective.

Russian Imperialism

To this I would like to add that I believe all of us have been exposed to a cultural programing about our identity – more or less imperialist, more or less discriminative, more or less separating. And it is true, I believe, that all of these narrative that we came to believe as being part of our identity are possible to transform only and only if we are noticing them as such.

Notice the belief.
Notice the story you are telling yourself.
Are you sure?

And I do not say this in order to relativize the horror of the current Russian descent into a hell of delusions – seeing the immense tragedy that comes over so many people.