Maryana Naumova

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In October 2023 Mrs. Naumova admitted that Russia had killed so many people in Ukraine that Ukrainians would hate Russians for generations. Therefore, she proposed, Russia should kill even more Ukrainians and take over the entire country, then use propaganda and “goodies” to bring peace to the situation. Denis Kazankyi reports:

"Мы погубили слишком много людей, Украина нас уже не простит" Пропагандистка РФ признала очевидное


Maryana formerly was a power-lifter and her fame started from a photo where she is next to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Here is a Twitter thread where she can be seen with many famous people.

Maryana Naumova posing in front of a Russian tank

People of Donbas Want Ukraine Back in Charge

"Жители Донбасса уже хотят назад в Украину. При РФ стало невыносимо!" Ведущая РосТВ высказала правду

Transcript – raw – from auto-subtitles with english translation

People feel very abandoned And they say that we thought that Russia would come, everything would be fine, but now they only feel that nothing is changing and they are already thinking that even if it was like it was, but we had gas light and everything like that

an employee of the first Russian TV channel, propagandist Maryana Naumova, admitted that Russia has created completely unbearable conditions for the residents of Donbass and that thousands of people who previously expected Russia are now deeply disappointed and generally regret that the Russian world came to them in her Telegram channel Maryana Naumova posted a video that is significantly different from the stories that she shoots for Channel One in this video message, Maryana Naumova talked about how she visited the villages of Blagodatnaya and Vladimirovka, they are located in the Donetsk region under carbon dioxide, and according to her, people in these villages have been living without electricity, gas, water for almost 2 years connections abandoned, forgotten in families and cut off from civilization

Today I planned to go to the village of Vladimirovka, this is on Ugledarsky transport, a car to Volnovakha costs 1000 rubles Yes, Starobeshevo 3500 And that’s all Well, whoever has the opportunity bought themselves generators, the generator is also expensive, refueling it costs money to prepare for winter it costs money and people’s pension is 10,000 rubles and people seem to have the feeling that they are being bullied

before the start of a full-scale invasion at the beginning of 2022, all these people about whom She talks lived a calm, quiet peaceful life, despite the fact that this demarcation of topics was relatively close there no less, all the same, life in Ugledar and Volnovakha was absolutely calm after the 1915s, there was no shelling, there were no serious hostilities, and people lived there with a connection to electricity; transport went; I saw it all. Personally, I have been there many times and I I confirm that there was absolutely normal life there and then Russia came and essentially plunged people into primitive poverty, deprived them of the most basic living conditions, and the Russian government now calls it help to the people of Donbass,

people are simply tired, they feel abandoned, they feel unnecessary and they feel this wild injustice, I would like for these people to be paid attention and, if possible, to provide them with some kind of help after 2 years. Well, I would like some kind of restoration,

but Putin says they have already been helped, it’s just such help, there are a lot of pensioners there,

there are a lot of bedridden people and it’s impossible for them to draw up documents; it’s impossible for them to come and do a recalculation because, firstly, there is no money, and secondly, they can’t find a car. Well, sometimes there’s simply no physical opportunity to do this, and no one really comes

and now Maryana Naumova admits that even those residents of the Donetsk region who previously loved Russia even wanted to go to Russia are now deeply disappointed and they say why Russia came and did this. It would have been better if Russia hadn’t come at all, they let us live peacefully in Ukraine. We lived well, that is, the residents of Donbass definitely didn’t want such liberation and such protection,

people feel very abandoned And now they say that we thought that Russia would come, everything will be fine now They only feel that nothing is changing and are already thinking that Well, even if it was As it was, but then the light and in this

the pro-Russian activists of Donbass have fallen in Russia for years life is much higher than in Ukraine, but if Donbass becomes part of Russia, what a cool life will begin there. What prosperity will come and now Russia has come and people are already just dreaming that the life that they once had in Ukraine will return, people remember for happiness how they lived before until the Russian world came and look, this is not my speculation, I’m not wishful thinking I’m not inventing anything myself, this is VS The Russian propagandist of Channel One admits and tells

basically we are the ones who were really waiting for us, our people who want to be together with Russia, but they want, Sorry, to be with Russia, warm, with water, with light, with a working refrigerator, with a normal pension, and with a good salary, whoever works there seems to be, well, probably people were talking about such a Russian world and not about something else. For some reason,

Russian supporters in Donbass dreamed not about such a Russian world and a Russian world in which there is no light, communication, water transport, no one really needs it, not a very pleasant truth for Russian Patriots Isn’t it, but as you can see, we are not inventing anything, this is not Ukrainian propaganda, this is recognized by the Russians themselves, that is, the Russians themselves An employee of Channel One openly admits that all Putin’s words about the fact that Russia is helping the residents of Donbass and saving them is just a lie, it’s fake Russia isn’t helping anyone, people don’t want that kind of help and people dream of returning to the life that was in Ukraine before they became Russia to save in quotes is a truth that will never be shown on Russian channels, but we must spread it, so please subscribe to the channel And be sure to Like or comment on this video so it will get more coverage and, accordingly, more views